Looking to get a 125x125 spawn with a 350x350 warzone that matches.
I want the warzone to flow nicely into the natural generated world, and I want it to have good pvp terrain. Must be able to support at least 3 KOTHS and has a cave area that’s open for an outpost.
I’m not accepting anyone without an updated portfolio. I except high quality, and I’m willing to pay for it.
I have no rush to when it needs to be completed.
If you want to contact me private message me over the form! Thanks.
Looking to get a 125x125 spawn with a 350x350 warzone that matches.
I want the warzone to flow nicely into the natural generated world, and I want it to have good pvp terrain. Must be able to support at least 3 KOTHS and has a cave area that’s open for an outpost.
I’m not accepting anyone without an updated portfolio. I except high quality, and I’m willing to pay for it.
I have no rush to when it needs to be completed.
If you want to contact me private message me over the form! Thanks.