Hello everyone! I am here to sell a plugin I just created, HeadHunterz! I was recently informed that this was a plugin that was needed for the newer updates of Bukkit. I finally created it, and now I am ready to sell it!
This plugin contains custom messages and percentages! Here is how it works! The player has to kill another player in order to obtain the killed players head. On the head it shows the percentage that was took from the killed players economy (Configurable). Then latter the Killer can either sell the head and gain that percentage of money via Command or a sign. Either which displays messages and is configurable.
The idea of this plugin is from xxgamer with his permission of course
Has been tested with the newest version of Spigot 1.8!
Price: $5
Screen Shots:
How to Buy:
Here is how to buy: Click Me
* This is a safe and automated buying service. It requires Paypal and takes nothing else. Once you buy the product the service will automatically give you the plugin.
** If you do not feel safe about the automated service, then please PM me here and I will be happy to do the deal. (I am not on 24/7 but I do check often.)
This Plugin is protected by Creative Commons. This plugin shall not be redistrubuted after purchase. Only Sooon_mitch has rights for this. Please PM for further questions.
Proof this is mine:
Here is a screen shot of the project:
*Also their is a license included in the .jar that is under my name. Also everything is named after me (Sooon_mitch).
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