Hello, so recently a lot of users of mc-market has asked me how to become successful on YouTube.
1. Constantly have 200 word descriptions.
2. Have an upload schedule so your viewers know when you upload.
3. Submit your videos to stumbledupon to rank your videos in the keyword you're searching - For example (Minecraft Factions)
4. This tip is just simple logic and upload high quality content. Your viewers don't want to watch 144p content with you speaking into a scratchy microphone.
5. Stay active on every single social media - You probably don't think a youtuber needs tumblr or even google+ but these aspects will extremely promote you and your content.
6. Use tags matching your keyword for example - Minecraft Factions, Minecraft Raiding, Minecraft PvP
7. Have a thumbnail that catches a viewers eye. No one is going to click a video with a plain black backround. Make your viewers attracted to the thumbnail.
8. Also, have a title that is relevant to the keyword you are trying to rank for. Example - Minecraft FACTIONS Let's Play - RAIDING A MOD!? (Minecraft Raiding)
9. Another important thing is a partnership that you go to. It's very stressful to go into a lock in contract you can't get of. (You can get out of it if you say you are under the age of 18 BTW) But, for a Minecraft YouTuber I highly recommend Paragon.
These are my current tips of how to run a YouTube channel.
1. Constantly have 200 word descriptions.
2. Have an upload schedule so your viewers know when you upload.
3. Submit your videos to stumbledupon to rank your videos in the keyword you're searching - For example (Minecraft Factions)
4. This tip is just simple logic and upload high quality content. Your viewers don't want to watch 144p content with you speaking into a scratchy microphone.
5. Stay active on every single social media - You probably don't think a youtuber needs tumblr or even google+ but these aspects will extremely promote you and your content.
6. Use tags matching your keyword for example - Minecraft Factions, Minecraft Raiding, Minecraft PvP
7. Have a thumbnail that catches a viewers eye. No one is going to click a video with a plain black backround. Make your viewers attracted to the thumbnail.
8. Also, have a title that is relevant to the keyword you are trying to rank for. Example - Minecraft FACTIONS Let's Play - RAIDING A MOD!? (Minecraft Raiding)
9. Another important thing is a partnership that you go to. It's very stressful to go into a lock in contract you can't get of. (You can get out of it if you say you are under the age of 18 BTW) But, for a Minecraft YouTuber I highly recommend Paragon.
These are my current tips of how to run a YouTube channel.
Banned forever. Reason: Ban Evading (CammyMC), Scamming (https://builtbybit.com/threads/avsterbone-vigilante-scam-report.105317/)