This thread is to entitle my opinion on things.
Mick I think you can justify with Narakavi being banned as she was practically shit posting and spamming the forums with random ass thing that we all hated. Some of us tried to contact staff in order to get her blocked from our threads, but sadly, that's not a thing.
Since Administrator didn't ban them way back, the only thing we can do is to remove and exterminate them. (yes, I know) So maybe ban both of them? They might create alternate accounts (The current accounts they are using now are most likely not their first ones) and start shit posting around the forums again.
There are a lot of people on the forums who don't like them, but honestly, they shouldn't be here. Majority wins...? Listen to the community, although you already banned narakavi, you should ban montyburly too because they basically do the same thing.
I believe they have broken many forum rules (spam, hate, disrespect, rate farming, etc) and they were never taken care of. Now is the time to do this.