During the course I do cover the dangers and bad practise of static methods, I'm glad it's something you picked up on! Thank you for your kind words.Your voice is very smooth and your explanations are good for beginners. I also like how you're using dependency injection!
Keep on going, I bet this course is amazing but since I've already finished my need and am no longer a beginner I can't say it for sure, but watching the introduction video and "message" system or whatever that was was very convincing.
Good luck with sales.
As I told you through PM, $20 is the minimum Udemy allow me to put it at. I cannot physically go lower than $20 (plus they take 50% of all purchasesThis seems really expensive to me, not sure though
I understand, sorry if I sounded rudeAs I told you through PM, $20 is the minimum Udemy allow me to put it at. I cannot physically go lower than $20 (plus they take 50% of all purchases). I'm aware you asked for a discount but I cannot do it for one person and not for everyone else.
Like I said,looks good, but i'd rather just learn java first due to your prices
$20 is the minimum Udemy allow me to put it at. I cannot physically go lower than $20.
Who disregarded your opinion? I was simply justifying my end of it- no need to become all defensive.is one not allowed to have their own opinion?
Not sure if you can see the curriculum but there are Java lessons starting from basic to advanced in the course, so that absolute beginners can understand everything! Java is of course covered throughout the course too.I like the idea; try and slip in some basic Java as well before you jump straight into plugins. The code for those is rather nasty.