So recently a developer is reselling my Anti-Cheat SRC.
Staff only gave him 20 warning points.
He is blackmailing me that if i do not give him credit he will resell it,
when it was dogshit he did not want credits for it but now after recode he does.
So reselling a SRC is only 20 warning points?
if (Bukkit.spigot().getTPS()[0] <= 19.9) {
Waiting on my warning points to leave this forum.
This should be a perm ban, not only 20 points.
In the agreement we did not agree to give him credits, he just wants credits to make his name look good with a whole recode (He didnt do shit i bought it when it was all skidded code).
Staff only gave him 20 warning points.
He is blackmailing me that if i do not give him credit he will resell it,
when it was dogshit he did not want credits for it but now after recode he does.
So reselling a SRC is only 20 warning points?
if (Bukkit.spigot().getTPS()[0] <= 19.9) {
Waiting on my warning points to leave this forum.
This should be a perm ban, not only 20 points.
In the agreement we did not agree to give him credits, he just wants credits to make his name look good with a whole recode (He didnt do shit i bought it when it was all skidded code).
Banned forever. Reason: Rules violations