I have recently made the duel inventory customizable. I have also made all duel messages configurable within the config.yml. To set the duel inventory, all you do is type /setinv and it will set the duel inventory as your current inventory (this includes armor in your armor slots).
By purchasing this plugin you agree not to redistribute, decompile, or use it for any other purposes but for installing it into your server. You have the right to use it in one server only. For using it in another server, please purchase it again. The plugin is as is and the upcoming features, along with bug support -- are to be provided for free. I reserve my rights to refuse support in case of incompatibility with certain plugins. You agree not to ask for a refund, unless I violate the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree with the terms, please do not purchase this plugin.
/setloc2 - This command sets the 2nd location to where a duel player will be teleported (should be opposite position of location 1).
/setreturn - This commands set the return location for after a player wins a duel, this should be set at spawn.
/setinv - Sets the inventory for the duels.
/1v1 - Opens the player head GUI.
/1v1 request <player> - Simple request to challenge a player to a duel.
/1v1 accept - Accept the most recent and relevant duel a player has sent you.
kitpvp.setloc2 - Permission to use /setloc2
kitpvp.setreturn - Permission to use /setreturn
kitpvp.setinv - Permission to use /setinv
## 1v1 Messages Config Section ##
ChallengePlayer: '&eChallenge &6{PLAYER} &eto a duel!'
YouHaveChallengedPlayer: '&eYou have challenged &6{PLAYER} &eto a duel!'
YouHaveBeenChallenged: '&eYou have been challenged by &6{PLAYER} &eto a duel!'
ThereRequestTimedOut: '&6{PLAYER}s &eduel request has timed out...'
YourRequestTimedOut: '&eYour duel request to &6{PLAYER} &e has timed out...'
WonAgainstPlayer: '&bYou have won your duel against &6{PLAYER}&b...'
LostAgainstPlayer: '&cYou have lost your duel against &6{PLAYER}&c...'
WonByForfeit: '&bYou have won your duel against &6{PLAYER} &bbecause they chose to back out...'
LostByForfeit: '&4You logged out while you were in a duel, you automatically lost!'
Accept1v1: '&6{PLAYER} &ehas accepted your duel request!'
ReloadStopped1v1: '&4The duel system was reloaded and kicked you out of your last relevant duel.'
## Inventory 1v1 Config Section ##
NextPage: ' &4---> '
PrevPage: ' &4<--- '
InventoryFormat: '&41v1 Page &c{PAGE}'
BookName: '&6Help'
InventoryBook: '&7Click the name of the player you want to duel!'
TeleportToArena: '&7You are being teleported to the arena...'
## In 1v1 Arena Config Section ##
3SecondsTillFight: '&73...'
2SecondsTillFight: '&72..'
1SecondTillFight: '&71.'
FightMessage: '&2&lGO'
NotAllowedToUseCommands: '&4You are not allowed to use commands while you are in a 1v1!'
All messages are configurable via the config!
What they will be shown when you request to 1v1 them:
If the request is unanswered within 15 seconds then the request will time out:
When they accept the challenge, you will be teleported to the arena and the countdown will start:
If they leave during the 1v1, then you will win by forfeit.
Win and Loss messages:
Skype: thebadgerwolf
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