Today I am looking for a experienced developer that could create a plugin that can excecute the following commands.
Each function would have to work over a whole Bungee Server.
/online - Lists online Staff Members
/smsg - Messages a staff member regardless of their location on the Bungee.
/spy - Allows a staff member to access another server chat.
/previous - Lists all the previous bans/kicks/mutes a user has obtained
/c - Allows the user to speak in a chat that only members with the staff permission can see.
/ctoggle - Disables/Enables Staff Chat
/ban - Bans a player from all servers and posts a notification in staff chat.
/tempban - Temporarily bans a player and announces in staff chat.
/kick - Kicks a player and announces in staff chat.
/mute - Mutes a player and announces in staff chat.
/warn - Warns a user, if a user obtains 3 warnings an announcement is made in staff chat.
Staff Chat Formatting
[STAFF] User has been banned from the server by User for Innpropriate Content for 7 Days.
[STAFF] [RANK] (IGN) I had eggs for breakfast.
If you can do this add robertgillespie_ on Skype with a quote ready. We do not have a quote and will not accept requests for a price.
Today I am looking for a experienced developer that could create a plugin that can excecute the following commands.
Each function would have to work over a whole Bungee Server.
/online - Lists online Staff Members
/smsg - Messages a staff member regardless of their location on the Bungee.
/spy - Allows a staff member to access another server chat.
/previous - Lists all the previous bans/kicks/mutes a user has obtained
/c - Allows the user to speak in a chat that only members with the staff permission can see.
/ctoggle - Disables/Enables Staff Chat
/ban - Bans a player from all servers and posts a notification in staff chat.
/tempban - Temporarily bans a player and announces in staff chat.
/kick - Kicks a player and announces in staff chat.
/mute - Mutes a player and announces in staff chat.
/warn - Warns a user, if a user obtains 3 warnings an announcement is made in staff chat.
Staff Chat Formatting
[STAFF] User has been banned from the server by User for Innpropriate Content for 7 Days.
[STAFF] [RANK] (IGN) I had eggs for breakfast.
If you can do this add robertgillespie_ on Skype with a quote ready. We do not have a quote and will not accept requests for a price.