I'm looking for someone who can create a TokenShop Plugin for me.
I want it to have a custom economy. (Doesn't effects Essentials)
I want to have following commands in it.
- /at help
- /at shop
- /at bal <name>
- /at pay <name> <amount>
- /at give <name> <amount>
- /at take <name> <amount>
- /at giveall <amount>
I want a config for Token Shop.
I want message config.
And also I want it so i can change /at help message.
Please contact me @ skype: furqanahmad65
We can sort out the price on skype.
I want it to have a custom economy. (Doesn't effects Essentials)
I want to have following commands in it.
- /at help
- /at shop
- /at bal <name>
- /at pay <name> <amount>
- /at give <name> <amount>
- /at take <name> <amount>
- /at giveall <amount>
I want a config for Token Shop.
I want message config.
And also I want it so i can change /at help message.
Please contact me @ skype: furqanahmad65
We can sort out the price on skype.