I'm selling a map that I recently made just for fun.. It's a small spawn with some small mines, but they're pretty good mines imo. There's a small spawn with 4 mines that connect to that (You can region them so certain ranks can and can't get in) and there are three other mines. I will post proof of me building them, where they are on the map (coords) and what they look like. Here are the pictures: http://imgur.com/25RCJHC,N9wkRLY,jmCQ0AD,DrTOmnu,W2Ajna2,Rjxhr4R,zGl5mFB#6
Starting bid: $5
Bid increase: $1
BIN: $15
Remember, this is my first map that I've ever sold so the prices may not be as good as you would like them to be, but I'll be posting more maps in the future. Thanks for reading! -Fams
Starting bid: $5
Bid increase: $1
BIN: $15
Remember, this is my first map that I've ever sold so the prices may not be as good as you would like them to be, but I'll be posting more maps in the future. Thanks for reading! -Fams
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