Selling various custom plugins, all made by me. All have various things in config, and I can add any extra features you need. I am more than happy to answer questions that anyone has and if you want to test any of these please PM me and I can arrange a test server. Prices are negotiable and I will do discounts if you want several of these, so feel free to PM me your thoughts.
If you need any other plugin created I am more than happy to help, please PM me as I am able to create any plugin(s) both small and large.
- AdvancedChatFilter Advanced Chat-Filter that runs off a list that can be setup both in game and config, will block words and advanced variations of words that are in the list, and also has options to stop words like 'hello' being seen by the Chat-Filter as 'hell'.
- BlockMultiplier Allows you to create permissions which you can then give to players so they get a specified multiplier on blocks they mine. Configurable list for both tools that must be used, and blocks that must be broken for the multiplier to take effect.
- CustomWeapons Create weapons with custom name, lore, material and damage. Also works for bows. Once a weapon is created it is saved and you can get a copy via in game commands.
- KitGui KitGui plugin allows you to create Kits, set cool downs for each kit and arrange them in a custom KitGui that your players can open via /Kit to select their kit.
- PvPBets Allows players to place bets and then duel each other with the same kit, requires setup of arena locations and kits which can easily be setup in game via commands. The players inventory's are saved and restored before and after the duel.
- Titles Allows staff to create and handout titles to players on the server, players can use /Titles to open a UI and select an unlocked title, then use /TitleColor to open another UI to select the color and formatting of their selected title. Titles should work alongside all other chat-plugins inserting the title before a players name. There are also permission nodes for each color/format.
If you need any other plugin created I am more than happy to help, please PM me as I am able to create any plugin(s) both small and large.
- AdvancedChatFilter Advanced Chat-Filter that runs off a list that can be setup both in game and config, will block words and advanced variations of words that are in the list, and also has options to stop words like 'hello' being seen by the Chat-Filter as 'hell'.
- BlockMultiplier Allows you to create permissions which you can then give to players so they get a specified multiplier on blocks they mine. Configurable list for both tools that must be used, and blocks that must be broken for the multiplier to take effect.
- CustomWeapons Create weapons with custom name, lore, material and damage. Also works for bows. Once a weapon is created it is saved and you can get a copy via in game commands.
- KitGui KitGui plugin allows you to create Kits, set cool downs for each kit and arrange them in a custom KitGui that your players can open via /Kit to select their kit.
- PvPBets Allows players to place bets and then duel each other with the same kit, requires setup of arena locations and kits which can easily be setup in game via commands. The players inventory's are saved and restored before and after the duel.
- Titles Allows staff to create and handout titles to players on the server, players can use /Titles to open a UI and select an unlocked title, then use /TitleColor to open another UI to select the color and formatting of their selected title. Titles should work alongside all other chat-plugins inserting the title before a players name. There are also permission nodes for each color/format.