Latest Feedback
Nice guy to work with.
- Trader
- oLepe (2)
Really immature and trashing my thread with telling people that I scam, just to ruin my sale.
- Trader
- FlyHack (3)
Sold user a hub core deal went really well do not hesitate to deal with user!
- Seller
- OnlineStranger (1)
User trashed several artists threads with negative reactions against their artwork. Belittles others artworks for no reason. This is a neutral reaction for now but if I see him trashing any more threads it'll be a negative
- Trader
- BIGBOY (12)
- Visit deal thread
User lies about someone scamming because they had beef in the past though he doesn't have nor have they been in contact outside of staffing with each other.
- Trader
- invention (12)