Latest Feedback
Deal went smooth i went 1st and we didn't have a problem | bought an OG account off him and had no problems
- Buyer
- QuickNote (7)
Positive | Sold this user an OG fortnite name. Quick deal and he went first sending the payment. Enjoy the name! :)
- Seller
- Misfit (39)
Bought btc from this user. User went first and was quick on his end. | The deal went thru quickly with no time wasted.
- Buyer
- small (67)
Trustworthy, fast to deal with, kind, gentle | Sold me $30 American dollars worth of the bitcoin cryptocurrency at the very cheap rate of 10%.
- Buyer
- Mahers (23)
Vouch | Bought Bitcoin 1:1 off the guy! The deal was smooth and no issues! He went first recommend dealing with him!
- Buyer
- Love (87)