Latest Feedback
sold me small amount of btc nice friendly kind user dont hesitate to deal w, | sold me small amount of btc nice friendly kind user dont hesitate to deal w | sold me btc
- Buyer
- babaooo (22)
Very professional & easy to work with. Quick and simple | Bought BTC and was very quick and professional during the process. <3
- Buyer
- markd (56)
good man and fast exchange. vouch. he wrote to me, quickly determined the terms and made a deal. I sent money to paypal first, then received my btc | I sent him money on a paypal and received BTC
- Buyer
- shgrddy (1)
- Visit deal thread
Vouch, middlemanned a $230 deal for him, everything went smoothly! | Vouch, middlemanned a $230 deal for him, everything went smoothly!
- Trader
- Zyger (412)
- Visit deal thread
Great, I went first and had no issues | Sold 500$ or so worth of btc for paypal. I went first and had no issues
- Buyer
- Joey (9)