Latest Feedback
trustworthy and reliable trader. Would definitely trust this user again with any future deals | purchased the account "Initiations". I went first with no problems.
- Buyer
- gibsam (1)
Good seller. There was a problem but he fixed it right away. Definitely not a scammer. | Sold me a semi-og account
- Buyer
- Adaam (4)
- Visit deal thread
Positive | Sold me a semi og account and was very nice and friendly, quick and easyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | Sold me a semi og account
- Buyer
- Dogge (3)
- Visit deal thread
Easy to work with, would purchase a account from again | Bought a semi, responded quickly, Would not hesitate to buy from again
- Buyer
- SilentNuke (1)
Worked with this user, was quick easy and nice about it! | Worked with this user, was quick easy and nice about it!
- Buyer
- Nine (61)