Latest Feedback
Very easy to work with | Held the account for a week for me even turning down other offers | Sold me a clean OG account
- Buyer
- Ties (19)
cool dude. easy to work with had no sort of issues whilst going through with the deal. don't hesitate doing business with them | bought mc acc
- Buyer
- Venus (15)
sold me a prename 2012 vouch chill af sold me a prename 2012 vouch chill af | sold me a prename 2012 vouch chill af sold me a prename 2012 vouch chill af
- Buyer
- pier (14)
sold him an og | sold him a minecrtaft account dsgd45g4g45h4h4h4jh4j4j4j4j4j44g4gh4h4h4h4 | 4567456j6565j56j5jhgjfhjfghjghfghgfhfghfghfghfghfghfghj | bought my account
- Seller
- merryy445454 (0)
Positive | I bought an OG off this user and used ZYGER as a MM. The transaction was super smooth and we punched it out in less than 30 minutes.
- Buyer
- TK (67)