Latest Feedback
Good | sold btc to this user, he went first, quick and easy deal! hq trustworthy user hq trustworthy userhq trustworthy userhq trustworthy userhq trustworthy user
- Seller
- devo (33)
Great guy to work with. Sold him BTC and everything went smoothly. Would highly recommend. | Bought $150 worth of BTC.
- Seller
- Zeiyon (111)
Vouch for this user, sold him some BTC, smooth transaction, would recommend him for any transaction | Bought BTC from me
- Seller
- Nekio (50)
Great buyer, very friendly and trustworthy | Sold them BTC, they went first and sent BTC quickly. Easy deal no complaints
- Seller
- im_gone_now (10)
- Visit deal thread
Very fast response, professional and kind | Sold the user $90.50 BTC for $100 PayPal, he went first. Deal went smooth and fast, all went well! | Sold the user another $300 BTC for $325 PayPal, he went first.
- Seller
- Chris K (45)