Latest Feedback
User purchased an optifine cape off me deal went smoothly fast. He went first deal went very fast under two mins. | trustworthy legit user.
- Seller
- ShakySloth89 (102)
sold underestimated for $15 user is kind would deal again | sold underestimated for $15 user is kind would deal again | sold underestimated for $15 user is kind would deal again
- Seller
- DanSells (102)
deal went very very VERY smooth and was quickly done. thank you. | went first, did everything quickly,.
- Seller
- Sizzukie (12)
Very chill guy to deal with, the deal went quick and smooth. | Would definitely deal with again! | The user went first and I gave him the info after receiving payment.
- Seller
- No (17)
positive | i sold this user an account, they went first gg good buyer smooth deal | __________________ 100 char
- Seller
- Hi (73)