Latest Feedback
Nice guy. I offered to purchase his resource and we came to a good middle ground. | Sold me his resource.
- Buyer
- Zeiyon (111)
Awesome user! I purchased a prison price configuration and he did a great job at balancing it! Would highly recommend! | Made a configuration
- Buyer
- Andy B. (46)
Positive, helped me out a lot when i was in need of it | Gave my some fresh files for free to a prison server he was working on.
- Buyer
- Dobbie (0)
Kind and Quick to Reply | I had a great experience with BoBo. Sold him some items in exchange for quick payment and very fast responses. Would deal with again.
- Seller
- Focus. (20)
A patient individual with knowledge and skills in configs | Organized and set up permission files for a staff team using both public and custom plugins | Was polite and worked around our schedules well. I will be returning the favor and purchasing...
- Buyer
- Lakia (1)