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User has outstanding drawing skills and pays close attention to detail | Did an illustration commission and drew way better than I expected | Extremely friendly and respectful | User made an amazing illustration of my request | 100% recommend to...
- Buyer
- Unavailable (4)
IceLightning is extremely welcoming to anyone that comes their way, they instantly accepted my project for its worth and genuinely cared about why/what/how/when/who I was making my artwork for. | Been a genuine and kind person, waited for me to...
- Trader
- Retrix (19)
Positive since he fufilled his order, Paid for a service that came out with a good outcome | Paid for a service that I was requesting
- Buyer
- Niko302 (20)
- Visit deal thread
a Incredible artist with a lot of skill | Made a really nice pfp for me in no time and made me very happy
- Buyer
- DarkSilent1 (3)
- Visit deal thread
Amazing artist, does everything really quickly, nice and professionally orientated | Bought graphics off of them
- Buyer
- PepeTheStar (11)