Latest Feedback
good buyer nice guy too | sold user 2 semi ogs he's a trustworthy buyer did not hesitate to go first. transaction went quick
- Seller
- stargazing (12)
- Visit deal thread
Great guy, sold him my artwork and domain "VoyagePvP". Went smoothly trustworthy guy Highly recommend working with him in the future. | Bought my artwork "VoyagePvP" went smoothly
- Seller
- jayrawlo (9)
Very nice and epic user. | Middlemanned a 2013 minecon account with TID and OGE for $110 USD for this user. Very nice & responsive user, vouch wouldn't hesitate to deal with.
- Trader
- Blaze. (51)
Great Guy! Recommend dealing with them! | Sold the User a very nice semi OG. They went first, Paid with BTC. No issues at all would happily deal with again.
- Seller
- Cry (29)
Very nice person | Very trustworthy | Bought my BTC for PayPal, quick and easy deal and sent PayPal immediately
- Seller
- im_gone_now (10)