Latest Feedback
Sold him some btc, deal went smooth would recommend, Also very patient. | Sold them bitcoin for some PayPal.
- Seller
- Scroll32 (101)
Easy to deal with, professional, fast delivery, just such a fast boy | Sold a $60 worth of bitcoin to this user
- Seller
- Yohhan (47)
vouch sold me btc quick and easy deal took 2 mins, everything went fast and well. he went first!! | vouch sold me btc quick and easy deal took 2 mins
- Trader
- Katana (69)
He's very trustworthy | He's very patient | He's a pleasure to work with | He paid on time for a commission without any hesitation | He was very patient in waiting on me dealing with IRL issues | Every interaction was a positive one
- Seller
- Nami (4)
He is a trusted guy and is easy to work with! | Helped me with my server a ton! He helped me install a server jar to be specif!
- Trader
- OwenNorris (1)