Latest Feedback
Amazing lag, knows what he's doing. Would definitely recommend as a staff member.
- Trader
- Abstention (3)
DNDW, user and I had a deal of me giving him free webhosting and he advertises for me but I gave him webhosting and then he now 1 week later bans me from his discord. Do now deal with this user for free items he needs. He will not do his part.
- Trader
- Severingcastle8 (27)
Great guy, very active helpful and thoughtful - Vouch
- Trader
- Dudd (4)
Vouch. Was a great Owner for Pots 1.0, we all agreed it was best for him to move on however. Was helpful while being an Owner.
- Trader
- Andehh (33)
Decent worker. Has some rough edges but yes he is a hard worker.
- Trader
- invention (12)