Latest Feedback
Positive | Sold this user an OG. He went first and I sent the details after. Very smooth deal, would recommend you deal with this guy!
- Seller
- quad (7)
Good guy | Trustworthy | I sold this user an OG account, I went first, deal was really quick and easy. Vouch this guy will be dealing with him in the future
- Seller
- GiantAW (3)
Sold user some ether he was a great guy and easy to work with. | Sold user some ether he was a great guy and easy to work with.
- Seller
- Crustyy (6)
i bought an Og account from user, deal was very quick and easy, i will be buying from him again | pretty chill guy
- Buyer
- lilkad (1)
Vouch this user quick and smooth transaction would deal with again. | I bought $25 dollars worth of bitcoin at 10%. It was a smooth and would deal again!
- Buyer
- SaltNPepper (-1)