Latest Feedback
Very responsive and helpful, easy to communicate and good rates and info. Will definity recommend. | Sold me BTC
- Buyer
- TheExchanger (30)
Very honest and trust worthy. | Was very honest and proceeded with the deal we agreed on, I went first and he sent me btc after. Very trust worthy.
- Buyer
- DynastyNetwork (17)
Trustworthy, friendly, quick | Sold me $30 BTC and I went first, user is very friendly and quick to respond and send funds. Would deal with again!
- Buyer
- Driz (2)
Calm and forward | Quickly get me the funds even though there was payment issues, at the end it was all done quickly and securely.
- Seller
- IRA (0)
User was quick and professional. He went first and sent the btc, do not hesitate when dealing with him. | Needed PayPal $ in exchange for btc
- Seller
- Mare (33)