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Vouch, sold him $25 worth of BTC, everything went smoothly! | Vouch, sold him $25 worth of BTC, everything went smoothly!
- Seller
- Zyger (414)
- Visit deal thread
Extreme quick and easy transaction with seller. Received bitcoin right after payment | Was a good sport and made the transaction run smoothly
- Buyer
- 500miles (19)
Patient, I had stuff going on waited without any issue. Bought account Counting off of him. | Sold me counting.
- Buyer
- lowlife (8)
Vouch, chucked me a dollar when I needed it. Super respectful and is a cool person | Should be more people like him on the forum, vouch for him!:)
- Trader
- Extendedly (7)
Vouch lol randomly gave me 25 cents for a quick ez task lol. | Gave me .25, now Im 1/4 way to buying mcdonalds | Spoke with him, he seems chill and someone Id like dealing with in the future
- Trader
- Coal (25)