Latest Feedback
Vouch! Sold me his steam account, was very patient and trustworthy.
- Buyer
- hatch43 (5)
Vouch! Very easy to work with and a very dedicated guy. Always quick to respond, quick to pay and just a generally good guy to do business with. I wouldn't hesitate to deal with him or his team. They are both heading in the right direction!
- Seller
- Kraezler (43)
Vouch! Gave me a VC for his LiteBans configuration! It is amazing! :D
- Buyer
- Dad (62)
Bought csgo skins off this user! Went really fast. Vouch and thanks for the skins <3
- Buyer
- Bourbon. (13)
Bought CSGO skins off him, He went first. Quick transaction
- Buyer
- Blurred (19)