Hey everyone, if you read by the thread title. I'm leaving MC-Market
School is starting back up, and I realized last year I lost my fun spirit, I'm kind of socially awkward now, and I just am not the same as I used to be.
I'd like to thank you all for some good memories, most of them are toxic, but still... it's the thought that counts right?
Some people that I'd like to mention with some descriptions are...
@lawl idc (MTG): Brother, you are always in the shoutbox with me no matter what timezone because we're legit owls. You helped me through some tough situations and are just a great person overall.
@Jkaay: Okay, Jkaay. All I have to say is. hi- No but seriously, you're hilarious and you always brighten up the mood and are kinda wacky, I appreciate that.
@Shattered: Shattered. My number one favorite staff member ever because you're so laid back- and you're not that strict unlike other staff members. You are actually like a member-staff because you understand people and you actually talk about topics that interest you which is amazing and a good trait to have of yourself when you're in a higher level position.
@Nerd: Even though you scammed me 30 cents, you always have the best ideas.
@newyears: Posting goat porn in my Discord all the time, thanks for that. Also donating me $2 xd.
If I didn't include you in a small little message to thank you, then sorry but I'm too lazy to put every single person I know into this message.
Some random statistics:
Favorite Staff Member: Shattered
Favorite Member: Jkaay
Amount of Money Profited from MCM: $2000+
Amount of Brain Cells Lost from MCM: eVeRyOnE oF tHeM
If you don't know who I am on MC-Market too bad, you live under a rock then if you don't look at shoutbox for a second of your day.
except for my bae shattered
this is why shattered is my favorite staff member
hes laid back, and does his job right, he actually does it GOOD lmao
After he knows I'm right, he KICKS ME FROM SHOUTBOX.
Why don't you warn this kid then M6? Are you just going with reasonable doubt? Yet when other people reaction boost, you warn them immediately.
I'm annoying to every one of your users? So you're lying, great; also you're a biased fuck.
This was in a whisper, why are you reading whispers Justis? Invasion of privacy much.
props to you techbanana, but everyone on mc-market hates that your strict just saying
yes justis, saying "doggy style" is a form of beastiality
please tell me how this isnt constructive criticism
he improves on his greediness by me telling him he is greedy
he shows proof of shipping next time by me telling him he doesnt show any proof of shipping, etc.
okay, so just because i have proof off site means he doesnt get warned? then all of the scam reports should go from banned to closed right now.
how do you verify legitimacy of chat logs if you just paste them and are allowed to edit them when i provided screenshots? huh? huh?
please justis
tell me how you only tell me about this, yet even in 2017 people talk about scam reports EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. IN. SHOUTBOX.
so you're saying. just because im crazy u kick me, when other people are crazy and u don't kick anyone else, thanks.
rly? because it seems like i was asking if they were available
i wasn't directly asking for one, was i?
this is why people quit
just saying mick
just saying
don't hire toxic staff
hire more staff like shattered
Vouch for this guy! Holy crap SmoothieMango, You inspired me to do lucid dreaming, And yesterday was my first ever Lucid Dream, however I knew that I was dreaming and all of the world was gray and I was trying to rotate my head but I woke up, That was awesome considering its my first dream, Tomorrow I will try again! Thank you very much, Now I can not be too shy to talk to my crush in the dream, And also, It is time to get 10 Billion Dollars! Lol, I know but there is just TOOOOO much things to do in lucid dreaming, And I CAN'T wait to do them all! In the past I thought Lucid Dreaming was Nightmare Dreams where you just know what you're doing, But turned out no, This really will change my life, Since I'm already a bit of genius(I guess?) and I can Improve my skills when I sleep! How amazing! And I will also try coding Minecraft Exploits in my dreams! You really inspired me for this crap, And you're the best! I am leaving a vouch and a rep, And in my dream Ill leave ya 100 billion reps for free!
Thank you very much Mango.
Ninja: TY @TheMangoSmoothie for the awesome profile pic (http://i.romulan.xyz/3lr87LG.png). Can I have have mango smoothie? GIF: This dude gave me a dope profile picture and I didn't even ask... Amazing dude. Habin: vouch, i kinda prefer tropical punch smoothies, but mango smoothies are probably my favorite solo-fruit smoothies JoshiePoshie: Vouch for my boi Mango. Nahid: Vouch! Orb: VOUCH FOR FINGER TINGLING
Hooked me up with a sexy af profile picture! Gavin: Vouch for him, she has an amazing market, and amazing services.
SUPER nice. Hasan P: Awesome artist, vouch Saltey: Vouch ~ Traded Gift cards, Very fast and Respectful Acer998877: Vouch - Bought 2 accounts off him for GMOD, CS:GO and a $10 steam code. Reliable (even through my concerns) and didn't stress so badly the deal ended. RisingChops: vouch! very helpful person ;D bank: vouch, user is a cs god l0l but fr, vouch, this kids trust worthy. HeavenToMyEars: Vouch! User is polite. Stark: Vouch, copped my cheap gamestop gift-code Office: Vouch HQ member, sold me btc. jdogduffy: Vouch for CSGO farming Tricky: vouch fast and cheap! Skylord: Vouch, Deal went over without an issue. Oblisics: Vouch, sold me a csgo account and works fine Dragonz: Vouch! Made my profile pic Zeiyon: Vouch! Amazing Guy! Hitoh: Vouch bought a pfp and a wallpaper off him for $3-4 and they were looking good. DigitalCodex: Vouch sold me BTC KingMC: Vouch! Amazing at domains and literally saved my life xD DominicPlays: Louch! User s vyery halopful, and yas i caun tuype Zl0b: Vouch for my good sir Mango. Transaction was great, and got done with what I needed in a really short amount of time! BlazeCraftNetwork: Couch! Paid back his loan of $0.14 xD FatTaco: Vouch. Sold me a wallpaper. None: Vouch! Bought a thread design off this friendly man Ark9026: Vouch! I worked with him over a year ago even before we joined MCM Osylum: Vouch. Bought Domain from him and It went smoothly. Hannes: Couch! Jackskate: Vouch for Mango! Flicksonfleek: Vouch! Gave me a nice user panel Eminem: +Vouch Great deal he made me a signature it turned out better then i expected Change: Vouch! User sold me a website template! FatTaco: Vouch. Siigari: Came to me wanting to sell some Bitcoin. Was an amicable transaction. Siigari: Bought some bitcoin from me. Thanks a lot! Klanx: This man bae! +1 Vouch from me! Illusionist: Vouch for the Mad Hatter, Cheers for the Domain VLONE: vouch bought domain from him Cry: Vouch. Gave me a user panel! Dragonz: Vouch again sold me AGC JacksonS: Vouch helped me find something. http://prntscr.com/cgjwlt YaBoiAce: Vouch for this man, bought a domain. Left4Lag: Vouch! ItsGabbyyy: VOUCH! Trusted Middleman, quick response. John: HUGE vouch! Anybody wanting a cool model I would recommend! AuzziePuppy: Vouch! TheMangoSmoothie made me an amazing thumbnail for one of my YT Videos. yep: Vouch for this Mango Smoothie! Did a exchange, PP for skrill! Highly recommend! ItzAero: Vouch, bought an optifine cape. fast and legit. MrTensions: Vouch, bought an account. Very fast and nice! Drezo: Vouch, Bought an account and went smoothly
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