crop hopper

  1. Save

    ZithiumCollectors | Chunk Collectors v2.1.3

    Zithium Collectors is the ultimate chunk collector system. Easily create different types of collectors and configure what they can and can't do. Supports, ShopGUI+, EconomyShopGUI, zShop, EssentialsX, ExcellentShop Notable Features: Auto Sell collected items. Picks up any configured drops...
  2. Cloth

    ChunkCollectors - Best on the market | Performance Boosting | Factions & Skyblock Support

    If you have any questions about this resource, feel free to add my on discord: Cloth#2896 or join the discord server by clicking on the thread. Test-Server: COMING SOON Here you can find additional information:
  3. Cloth

    [50% OFF] ChunkCollectors - Must have for all faction servers. ✨️

    - Crop Hopper & Mob Hopper are combined into a single block. - Increases server TPS (reduces or eliminates mob spawns and crop drops) - Faction Permissions - Can integrate with almost any sellwand plugin. - Fully configurable mob and item prices. - Fully configurable GUI. - Fully configurable...
  4. Wurst Games

    Crop Hopper ($5)

    Hey Guys Today i am selling this awesome crop hopper plugin :D Command /chopper What is a Cactus hopper? A cactus hopper is a hopper that collects any broken cactus in the chunk, this hopper can be placed anywhere in the chunk of the cactus farm! How do i make this? To make this Cactus...