minecraft server adverisment

  1. redxserver

    RedXserver.com | Get more Minecraft Server hosting quality while spending less | Unlimited Bandwidth

    Have You Heard? Redxserver Hosting Quality Is The Best. Providing DDoS Protection, Unlimited Bandwidth, Unlimited Player Slots, Unlimited Plugins in all of their plans. Stop Wasting Time And Start Hosting a Quality Minecraft Server.
  2. Y

    Awesome Survival Server!

    Hello everybody, I've been working on my Minecraft server for about 3 months now, and I'm trying to get players to join! Hopefully you guys might join, there is quests, FREE ranks, furniture, tags, and miniature pets! We have so much to offer, but for our server so sore we need players! So...
  3. U

    Tropical Realms Minecraft faction server! ($50)

    Hey today guys i'm selling my Minecraft server READY TO USE (NO WORLD FILES ONLY)! Main plugins: - Koth - Custom enchants - Rank vouchers - Crates - Gkits - MANY MORE (Let me know on DISCORD if you want to know More) Prices: - Just files / £30 Contact me: Discord- Udayy#8872 Skype- Udayg101
  4. I

    We Need Youtubers for Our Towny Server

    Hi, I run a fairly new Towny Server and we need Players, But to get players, Our Server needs to be put out there for people to see. If your interested, Join ironhavenmc.us and talk to staff about a Youtubers Rank with perks of fly. Recording or live steams are allowed Welcome to Ironhaven A...
  5. The Chainsmokers

    >> Free Server Banner (GIF) <<>> Free Server Icon 64x64<<

    Hi My Name is Alex. I am a GFX artist who is willing to make Banner Gifs For Free... Add Me On Skype For This. live:alexpageman65 send me the message "Hello I Would Like A Free Server Banner" I WILL RESPOND the ammount of banners will be Limited as i want a portfolio and a reputation before I...