nameless mc

  1. j0n4s

    NamelessMC Configurator/Developer

    Good morning. I need someone to create a forum for me using NamelessMC with the Lithum template. I will buy the template and I need the forum, I will host it on my VPS and the configurator/developer will do it. Contact me through my discord along with the price of the service so we can talk...
  2. M

    Cannon v2.1.2

    Live Demo: :: Demo ::: Compatible: NamelessMC version 2.1.2! Supported Modules: Forum Members Module Vote Module Rules Module Staff Module Status Module Resources Module Forms Module Badges Module Friends Module MCStatistics Module Suggestions Module Infractions Module Poll Module Wiki...
  3. M

    [REQ] NamelessMC Pre-Release 12 Postbit Background Image / Post Color Per Group

    Hello Mc-Market, I'm trying to accomplish a specific feature for my website, where a users Postbit / Author Pane has a background image, and the entire post background color is changed dependent on their user group. As an example, this is exactly what I'm hoping to accomplish. In this case...
  4. Coldfire

    Cobalt Theme for NamelessMC v1.8.3

  5. Coldfire

    LITHIUM Theme for NamelessMC v1.31

    Members Module Resources Module Vote Module Friends Module Forms Module Tebex Module Staff Module Chatbox Module Infractions Module Rules Module CraftingStore Module Tickets Module Suggestions Module Wiki Module Frequently Asked Questions Module Badges Module Polls Module McTrade Module Gallery...
  6. J

    Custom NamelessMC Module

    I would like to create a custom NamelessMC module. It would also need to be compatible with a template. For more details/budget DM me pls in discord under JP2K#9252
  7. Jamie__

    Namless MC setup

    I have a nameless mc website and I use xampp. I have all the files from my old website which is also nameless mc. Please contact me on discord if you are interested in helping me. I will pay MAX $5 if needed. Dev.Pig#3988 is my discord.
  8. Jamie__

    Nameless mc setup

    I have a nameless mc website and I use xampp. I have all the files from my old website which is also nameless mc. Please contact me on discord if you are interested in helping me. I will pay MAX $5 if needed. Dev.Pig#3988 is my discord.
  9. RageYT

    NamelessMC Web Design

    I'm looking for a clean and minimalist style based design, with a dark and light mode. I'll list the key features below. What I'm Looking For Minimal, responsive design and has a nice flow Dark and light modes for the user to choose A clean navigation bar with a interactive drop down menu that...
  10. Kevko_

    NamelessMC Forum setup We customize it how you want starting from $5.