tag plugin

  1. R

    FREE TagsPlus v1.0

    TagsPlus a Tag minecraft plugin for your chat and your server cool tag ! easy configuration Optimized DEPENDENCY : TAGSPLUS NEED PLACEHOLDERAPI TO WORK p laceholder to use in your chat plugin : %tagplus_tag% permissions to use /tags : tagsplus.tags Features PlaceholderAPI Easy...
  2. zWallk

    AlonsoTags Configuration +30 Tags v1.1

    To get the translation in French and German, please join the Discord server and send me a message. If you have any questions about the resource, don't hesitate to contact me.
  3. Valentee

    DeluxeTags with DeluxeMenus | xValente v1.0

    Custom menu for DeluxeTags made with DeluxeMenus in English and Spanish versions. When downloading, you will have both versions at your disposal. 30 Custom Tags. Sounds when selecting. Custom Messages. [!] For any type of problem, add me to my discord ➟ valentee_ I'm starting to upload more...
  4. never2nv

    NVus Tags v1.2

    As the title suggests this neatly displays the players health above their heads, which auto-updates in fast, efficient way. Example: Useful for PVP servers! Now your players can take out the guess work and instantly know how close they are to annihilating their opponent or how close they came...
  5. NimoEkisde

    nPrefixes v2.5

    Discord Support: https://discord.nimodev.xyz Editable ↴ • All categories Names (Files) • All categories Item (Files) • All categories Item ID (Files) • All categories Lore (Files) • Vouchers (Files) • Create Prefixes (In-Game and Files) • Delete Prefixes (In-Game and Files) • Edit Prefixes...
  6. Save

    ZithiumTags | MySQL Support v1.0.1-BETA

    ZithiumTags is the ultimate tag plugin for your server. Easily create tags for users and allow them to create their own custom tags with our Tag Voucher system. This plugin is still in BETA extensive testing has gone into the plugin before release, but issues are expected please report any in...
  7. MrDraqon

    DragonTags | Chat Tags v3.0.18

    Important Info Click image bellow to join my discord If you have any issues please send me a private message or join my discord server More Features: - MySQL support for data storage - Unlimited tags for categorization and organization of data - Unlimited pages for flexible and scalable...