Banned forever. Reason: Scamming (
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  • Vouch! Quad has a amazing personality gotta love the guy :p, recommend working with him.
    I definitely would not continue to do business with Jake, that is him scamming and trying to hide it because he saw you posted a report against him. Sorry to hear you were scammed, hope things get better for you in the future!
    Don't like people like him
    Vouch, sold him a Steam account and he paid first. Very friendly and patient guy, would recommend.
    pleasure doing business with you :D
    Humongous vouch!
    Offered me $5 to fix some code, I fixed it and just asked for $1 since it was a very small change, and he gave me $3!
    I didn't even ask for it :)
    Thanks so much, very professional and kind.
    I definitely recommend him for future deals.
    Big loving vouch for this user.
    I made a plugin for him, and he paid me for it even when he could have walked off with the file.
    Not only that, I allowed him to name his own price, and he didn't lowball me.
    In fact, he was kind enough to send me a tip!
    He was very patient, very professional, and an easy person to work with.
    I would recommend dealing with him any chance you get. ;)
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