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  • He did a VC for me on a thread design. The thread design was pretty trash tbh, but it's probably my fault because I suck at explaining my artistic ideas
    Additional Information: the problem with this thread was that this user wanted a non-minecraft thread. My terms explicitly state that all work must be Minecraft related and I had asked this user twice if he had any additional specifications. In addition, this deal was done on February 27, I had to hunt down this vouch copy since then. This means that the vouch copy took over two weeks to be completed.
    Hello, add me on Discord: FatTaco#1059
    Financial management doesn't have to be a start, and advice is always free of charge. My team can get you advertising management, staff management, and community management. It is completely your choice, but I want to avoid the controversy of the thread and explain why this will be beneficial for you. Have a good day!
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