I have fixed all NBT related issues & any other bugs that have occurred in the time since the last update. Enjoy!
- Added /genshop
- Added a Purchase Price in the Generator Register
- Fixed a ton of bugs in the past 4 updates since 1.2
- Added Sellwands with Uses & Non-Use abilities
- Sellwands will break if Uses hit 0
- Works on Chests
- Added Multiplier for the player
- Works with /sell and Sellwands
- Fixed Bugs with placing blocks with different directions Hay Bale, Glazed Terracotta, etc
- Made it so if you craft a Generator block, it will be canceled
Next Planned Update: Sellwands/Multiplier integration
- 3 Base Events - Sell, Speed & Tier
- Sell Event activated a 200% Sell Boost
- Speed Event make Gens drop 100% Faster
- Tier Event makes Gens drop the next Tiers Drop unless it is maxed
- Added Server Crash/Stopping protection to save Events when the server stops/crashes.
- Custom Sounds for Start & End of events
- Added a StartEvent & StopEvent command