
  1. Mael

    Looking for an anticheat ?

    Hi, I am currently looking for a good anti-cheat system I have a fairly large network so I am looking for something to put into production fairly quickly I want with the src.
  2. xMagicTime


    Gucci is an anticheat I worked on for around 2 months now I have noted all checks and figured them out, barely any false bans (will ban if you /speed 4+ in survival, if your in creative everything is good) simple command /anticheat alerts and your done, I’m selling this for 7$ cause I’m...
  3. ItzShaddy

    -=Development Help (Advice)=-

    Hello, I'm wondering if someone could link me to some good resources to learn from I would love to get started on making Anti-Cheats and it's quite advanced and I need some help with this. If someone could send me some resource links I have a alright understanding of Java and Bukkit. If anyone...