
  1. TRSoftware

    ChunkBusters | Clear Chunks with Ease! v1.0.1

    ChunkBusters is a plugin made to allow players to remove a chunk of blocks with one click of a button. This plugin offers many features, such as: Factions (FactionsUUID), WorldGuard, and Vault integration. Confirmation/Options GUI (Choose which y-levels to bust). Stop water/lava flowing into...
  2. EvolvedDev

    ☄️Evolved Chunk Busters [$10 USD]☄️

  3. O

    Chunkbuster Plugin [Request]

    Hello, I am looking for a Chunk Buster Plugin for 1.8.9 I don't have much that I can pay for but I was wondering if anyone would do it for cheap I would like to configure the size of the chunkbuster in the config and i would also like if their was an gui and i need it to fit in with...
  4. CustomCore

    Chunkbuster Plugin

    Hello, Today I am buying a Chunkbuster Plugin. Please tell me if you have any. Thanks ~Custom
  5. xPenguinx

    FactionsCore - Many Features Yet To Add! Includes: Genbuckets, Chunkbusters, Wands, and more!

    The other day, I was bored and wanted to make something so I decided to make a core of all the wands and utilities of factions I guess? Genbuckets (Printable) Lightningwands (With uses optional)...
  6. ThatGuyWhoCooks

    Remove Me

    Hey! I am selling a factions core with multiple features essential for a big server to grow. There are features as listed below: AntiBowBoost AntiCommands AntiCraft No Golem lag Auto Respawns ChunkBusters HarvesterHoes Lava Sponge Lightning Wand Custom Mob drops(Configurable) No Rain...
  7. Arbiters

    Looking For A ChunkBuster Plugin

    Hey, I'm looking for a chunkbuster plugin that would basically destroy a whole chunk (Not Bedrock) From y 0 - 255. Contact me on discord if you'd like to discuss pricing. DaN#0001