
  1. 11ThPluginss

    Maintenance - Exclusive Maintenance v1.0

  2. V

    RedstoneGuard - Fix Machine Lag v1.0.0

    RedstoneGuard is the ultimate solution to protect your server against lag-causing redstone MACHINES. 💎 FEATURES: • Smart detection of lag-causing redstone machines • Configurable limits for each redstone component • Chunk-based protection system • Piston control to prevent exploits • Staff...
  3. DevGiannaros

    Fix Drops v1.0

    Fix when player die go all items everywhere BEFORE: AFTER WITH SKRIPT: DISCORD:
  4. andrzej_pl

    RedstoneLimit - Perfect Redstone Limiter v4.0

    RedstoneBlocker is an advanced plugin for Minecraft servers that allows administrators to completely block the functionality of redstone in designated areas or the entire server. This powerful tool enables full control over redstone functionality, eliminating any potential issues related to...
  5. AlexP21

    Car Repair Workshop v1.0

    Realistic car repair workshop
  6. AlexP21

    Garage Workshop Building v1.0

    Realistic, intricate design for a repair shop
  7. R

    Plugin fix

    Hi, I'm looking for a developer who could fix a plugin for the server. Plugin is made for 'skins' per item and armor. Knowledge should be related to custom-model-data. The issue is that custom armor texture doesn't show up when it's equipped, however it shows up in your inventory ( but doesn't...
  8. LucidAPs

    NoAltsExploits v4.7

    🎈 Say "No More!" to alt-account exploits with the NoAltsExploits Plugin! 🚫🎭 In the wild, wonderful world of Minecraft, it's all fun and games until someone decides to game the system! Alt accounts can be a big, bad problem, causing chaos, imbalance, and too many exploits and abuses that lead to...
  9. LinsaFTW

    ExploitFixer - Anti-Crash/Dupe Plugin v3.0.2

    WHY EXPLOITFIXER ExploitFixer is the best anti-exploit security plugin for Bukkit / Spigot / Paper Minecraft servers. It blocks crash clients such as Jessica, Jigsaw, Ayakashi, LiquidBounce, SmogClient, YSK and even private ones that are not known for yet. We are prepared for the future of...
  10. Forsaken Services


    Hello! I have a "main survival server" and also a build server. Recently I've transferred all files to my build server so I can make new content and such. But on my main server there is a problem, hostile mobs ONLY spawn in caves (aka where it's really dark). They don't spawn above ground...
  11. LinsaFTW

    RedstoneLimiter - Smart Redstone Limiter v0.0.6

    FIX REDSTONE LAG MACHINES RedstoneLimiter is the best plugin to fix redstone lag machines by limiting them. It offers a variety of limiters that apply to individual redstone blocks and chunks. Everything is configurable and works like a charm. RedstoneLimiter improves server performance and...
  12. Xunifi

    NoNetherRoof v2021-11-09

    NNR has only been tested on version 1.17.1. Older versions may work, but are not supported. NoNetherRoof was originally coded for my anarchy server, but I though "Why not share it?". So here we are. NoNetherRoof is extremely lightweight and requires zero configuration. Features: Players die...
  13. CapitanPuerka

    i need help (fix a plugin)

    hi guys, i need to fix this plugin if anyone can fix it write me to discord spigot Web: source code: Dependence: Error: Luisito#7552 atte...
  14. Thundurh

    Plugin Fix

    I am in need of somebody to fix a land claiming plugin that somebody made for me but has ditched me. I have logs of all errors. Please only contact if you are experienced and don't overprice. Discord: Thundurh#1658
  15. WizWazWizard

    Player Chest Shop FIXING

    I have a Chest Shop Plugin which I love, but the developer who I paid for this made it full of bugs and just refused to change them. I don't have the source code, so you'll have to decompile it. My offer is around $20. This is due to me having this plugin made and in need of fixing. If you are...
  16. WizWazWizard

    Player Chest Shop Directory + GUI

    I have a Chest Shop Plugin which I love, but the developer who I paid for this made it full of bugs and just refused to change them. I don't have the source code, so you'll have to decompile it. My offer is around $20. Please do not waste my time. Thanks Preview: Changes: - Make Restock...
  17. L

    Compile GitHub Source into Plugin JAR

    I had used the plugin MoreFish (can provide link via Discord, acct too new to post links here) but it is outdated with its current ver of 3.0.2 and not working properly. The Developer has version 3.0.3 on GitHub but it is not compiled into JAR and I cant figure it out. I am very novice...
  18. HyperFrankExe


    Hello, My name is Frank, and I'm a Minecraft server developer! I'm helping with Things you may need like! Coding L Plugin Configs Website/Forums Setup Bugs Fixes Server Setups/premade (Exclusive) Need more info? dm me on discord HyperFrank#0001 Always Active!
  19. VactumPlays

    $$ Reward | Computer Help | Connect an AIO PC to a Gaming PC to record w/obs|

    Willing to pay! Hello! So im wondering if its possible to connect my AIO (All in one pc) to a Gaming PC to record on obs. I wanna do this w/hdmi cable. (Willing to buy a different cable if needed/extensions) I wanna record apex, but when recording it looks laggy. So i want to use my AIO to...
  20. TechnoVisions

    BungeeCord Error Fix (Paid)

    I recently switched my spigot 1.15.2 server to BungeeCord (I am actually using Waterfall, but same thing). After the switch, my players were being kicked every 30s - 5min for this error. I tried both BungeeCord and Waterfall but get the same issue. We figured out that, by removing NameTagEdit...