"SquidGame" is a popular Netflix series that has been trending in recent days. This is a (not complete) recreation of the series.
Source Code: github.com/2lstudios-mc/SquidGame
Warning: This plugin is neither complete nor close to completion. As functions are added, updates will be released...
Hi I'm looking for someone to make this plugin for a Survival Games-esque event I will be running.
The server is on 1.17.1 and Spigot
If you can do it feel free to DM me on Discord...
What is this plugin for?
This plugin strides to fully recreate ProBending in Minecraft! Fully automatic ProBending matches, in Minecraft. This plugin has massive customizability, such as the language file, where you can translate EVERY word that you see in the plugin. Configs are per-arena, in...
Hey! I have a survival server, and I want to make it more fun by adding a few minigames (not bungeecord though). I am looking for a developer for a build war minigame called CastleWars. I had this made for me, but I lost the file, and now I'm looking for someone to make me a better version of...
Simple-Gamemode revamps the Minecraft Gamemode System. It adds the /gm command, numbers back when you change your gamemode and custom messages when you change your gamemode.
Adds /gm command
Revamps /gamemode command
Adds custom Messages
Custom Messages are fully customizable in a...
Hi there, MCM Community!
I want to start a Minecraft server (for the 6th time -_-) but I want to approach it properly. Vote on the poll what gamemode you'd prefer, or probably comment it on the thread if it isn't on the poll. It would take 2 seconds of your time and help me out a ton!
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