Offering a simplistic way to advertise your gamepass with an option to buy it in a simplistic death screen.
Configuration is very simple; just simply replace the gamepass ID and edit the text to whatever you desire.
Customizable Icons
Customizable Text
Basic Setup
Auto Team You Into Raider
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If The File Is Not Working Contact The Support Immediately.
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If The Product Is Not Working Contact The Support...
Realistic Day and Night System
-Can set up time speed
-Can turn on weather system Rain, Atmosphere and any weather you want to add
-Can Turn off light when Day and Turn on light when Night
-Include 6 Customized Building
-Include Street lights
Best Super Realistic Day and Night.
Spin the wheel
Are you doing events in your game?
here's the tool where you can customize the text then spin.
Who will be the winner when the arrow point to the names it can be number or anything.
Donation System
- Add spice in your game with this tool where other players can donate to other player
- Proximity prompt where if you E/Tap to other player it will show all gamepass of them and bought it.
This is what you need in every game to make more players.
The Camp is a Hangout game where you can chill, donate with your friends and enjoy the beautiful theme in this place.
Game has complete script
- Customized Overhead System
- Car and Bike Spawner
Include Customized Tools and Items
Server Selection System
Settings System
Complete Donation and...
Boombox system
-Add songs of you want - location in server script where you can change/add sound/ID
-Can search songs
-Can hide UI
-Can weld at the back when not use but still playing
-Has overhead where they can know what you are playing
Easy to setup Tool
Fishing System
-Add cash when you get fish
-Customize Picture of Fish
-Customize amount of casn deoends on the fish you get
Easy set up
Readable script
Plug and Play
make sure to open Api services
Vacation and Chill
Level and Cash System
Cash Shop
With Gear Shop
Gamepass Shop
Overhead UI/Name + Logo
Lots of Items included
Complete Settings to turn on and off
A fun game activities
Guide how to play the game
Has top leaderboard
Has Donation leaderboard
Readable Script...
Fully Customize Scripts for Hangout or RP
- Overhead Customization where you can change name, color and add logo in your name
- Carry system where you can carry other player 4 types
- Clan system where you can select group and equip it
- Sync Dance where you can sync dance together with your...
CityTopia Game
Loading Screen Included
Payout Check system
Roleplay Name Changer
Character Customization
Car Spawner
Job Selection
Tool/inventory Equip
Animation/ Dance Gui
Include Customization for Premium and Gamepass Owner
House Customization
Buy a House
Include Tools
Include Cars
Zombie Game Complete Survival pack Inspired by All of us are Dead Game
Complete Data Kills Cash Zombie Killed and PlayerKilled
Zombie Will drop cash
Include Team Change
Shop Gui
Trail Shop
Gamepass Shop
Change Clothes
Morph System
Infected Zombie when killed by zombie
Drop Money system
Car Shop...
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