good looking gui.
Easy to add/remove & edit.
5 premade ranks.
6 premade duration.
Easy to add more pages,
setup for luckperms but easy to change to your need
buy & download the produkt,
stop your server add grantmenu.yml
granttime.yml grantconfim.yml in...
Java 8
1.7.x - 1.14.x Spigot (1.15 does not work)
Optional Requirements:
1.MySql Database - plugin uses the MySql database to store all the info. It also uses it to communicate with bungeecord servers. (This is not needed if you are using a Single Spigot...
» Grant Procedure
The biggest feature of GrantX is the /grant command. It allows staff members to easily grant players either a rank or permission node, along with a custom duration and reason. You can also specify which specific server the grant should be applied to (if you are creating a...
Atom is an advanced permission plugin that allows you to easily synchronize ranks on every server by utilizing Mongo. It has a grant command to give players ranks and permissions or you could use the rank command to give players ranks in chat or in console without using the grant GUI. Unlike...
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