grant rank plugin

  1. Thaurino

    grant menu | deluxemenu v1.01

    Features: good looking gui. Easy to add/remove & edit. 5 premade ranks. 6 premade duration. Easy to add more pages, setup for luckperms but easy to change to your need instructions: buy & download the produkt, stop your server add grantmenu.yml granttime.yml grantconfim.yml in...
  2. Emeraldx6

    APermissions |Ranks| Grant/Grants GUI| MySQL & FlatFile! v1.2.0

    ABOUT aPermissions Requirements: Java 8 1.7.x - 1.14.x Spigot (1.15 does not work) Optional Requirements: 1.MySql Database - plugin uses the MySql database to store all the info. It also uses it to communicate with bungeecord servers. (This is not needed if you are using a Single Spigot...
  3. Demeng

    GrantX | Revolutionize Permissions v2.5.7

    » Grant Procedure The biggest feature of GrantX is the /grant command. It allows staff members to easily grant players either a rank or permission node, along with a custom duration and reason. You can also specify which specific server the grant should be applied to (if you are creating a...
  4. BrianGrug

    [] ATOM | Permissions | Ranks | Grant GUI | MONGO & More! v1.4

    Atom is an advanced permission plugin that allows you to easily synchronize ranks on every server by utilizing Mongo. It has a grant command to give players ranks and permissions or you could use the rank command to give players ranks in chat or in console without using the grant GUI. Unlike...