
  1. RaidersUnited_

    looking for an mmorpg server

    Looking for a MMORPG server to add to my network not looking for a player base. PM me details
  2. Exploded


    hey, I have a new 1.9.4 server that needs good advertising. Will give youtube rank and possibly staff. Its a very new unique gamemode of factions. Its very different and needs advertising. lmk if interested. I hope to see you around :) Server IP is pm me for contact...
  3. ZenAndreas

    CitadelsOnline Hiring Builders [ Long Term ]

    Website: Twitter: Facebook: About Us CitadelsOnline is an upcoming medieval oriented RPG Minecraft server. We are looking for talented builders to help us with our projects. Project Specifics Our project is...
  4. Screm

    Fully custom MMORPG server(Dungeon Realms)

    DISCLAIMER I do not own Dungeon Realms, but about 4-5 months ago i was a coder and server Owner of the most stable and updated Dungeon Realms server available, we are updated to 1.8 and have a new HP bar as well as have the best source code available to anyone(But DestinyMC who owns the rights)...
  5. Legendsofvaleros

    Legends of Valeros - mmorpg, guild housing, wow style gameplay and more - LF Builders!

    Before you start, this is our recruitment thread. I used this on purpose because this will give you the best explanation on what we are developing, and are about This server is still in development stages and is about to release Alpha, Youtubers get free alpha access including the goodies...
  6. Legendsofvaleros

    Legends of Valeros - Nextgen MMO. Looking for youtubers!!!

    Before you start, this is our recruitment thread. I used this on purpose because this will give you the best explanation on what we are developing, and are about This server is still in development stages and is about to release Alpha, Youtubers get free alpha access including the goodies...
  7. ZenAndreas

    Citadels Online - [Recruiting] [Builders] [Testers] [Developers]

    Website: Twitter: Facebook: WHY WORK WITH US ? We provide a great work environment because we love people like us. We love chatting, joking and having fun. But we also like professional people that take...
  8. pozo

    Looking For Builders

    Hello! my name is JT, and i own a custom MMOrpg network, with the same type idea of "wynncraft". and we are getting stuff done efficiently, but we have one problem... builders. we have a few great builders, with alot of build/buildteam experiences; and i was wondering if anyone would like to...
  9. PrisonLifeRP

    Terrain (2.5K)

    Hello! I need a custom terrain built, around 2.5k x 2.5k. It will be for a medieval MMORPG, and it will be somewhat flat & basically a giant island. Includes: - Beach - Volcano - Rivers - Jungle - Snowish area - 1 or 2 mini islands off the main land Requirements: - No flowers, period - This...