------====Alexi's Configuration Services====------
About me : Hello everyone im Alexi and im a developer i am probably new to MC-Market as you can see on my tag. New Member and lets say i have no reputation yet. well im gonna have reputation as soon as possible
I hope so! Your the one that will help me by me helping you in your servers!
Services : Okay this is the list what i can do and cant atm
Minecraft Servers:
1. Plugin Download - Are you to lazy to download plugins contact me for sure i can help ya
2.Plugin Configuration - Why configure plugins yourself if you got me i can help you with that!
3.Bungeecord Setup - Do not know how to do bungee? well some say bungee is hard well for me its actually not well its gonna be hard if you got tons of servers because you gotta set all of those servers up with the right settings
4.Building - Too lazy to build? or You dont know how to build just contact me i can do builds
5.Advertising - You too lazy to put ur server into server lists? just give me the stuff i need to put it in i could do it!
5.Cant see what you need there? I can do more than that! just contact me!
XenonMC - This is my server i have made it possible by my greatful knowledge and good staff i had to make this server possibleAbout me : Hello everyone im Alexi and im a developer i am probably new to MC-Market as you can see on my tag. New Member and lets say i have no reputation yet. well im gonna have reputation as soon as possible
Services : Okay this is the list what i can do and cant atm
Minecraft Servers:
1. Plugin Download - Are you to lazy to download plugins contact me for sure i can help ya
2.Plugin Configuration - Why configure plugins yourself if you got me i can help you with that!
3.Bungeecord Setup - Do not know how to do bungee? well some say bungee is hard well for me its actually not well its gonna be hard if you got tons of servers because you gotta set all of those servers up with the right settings
4.Building - Too lazy to build? or You dont know how to build just contact me i can do builds
5.Advertising - You too lazy to put ur server into server lists? just give me the stuff i need to put it in i could do it!
5.Cant see what you need there? I can do more than that! just contact me!
Status : Up
Check it out
IP : play.xenonmc.com
RedactedNetwork - This server actually made me started making my own server because it got shutdown after the owner cant pay for it i was co - owner i was actually more dedicated to it than the owner.
Status : Down
ForestPvp - The server next to redacted network after redacted network was down i found a friend that helped me start this server but a long time i was very inactive and decided to quit the server and this started XenonMC
Status : Not sure probably down
I will normally say more of this servers but there is a long list! so not gonna say more
Depends on what you need though so no need to say
Vouch Copies
3/3 Vouch Copies available!
Contact me at skype
Skype : alexicanamo
PS : I may have no reputation yet but after this i might will