Hello everyone, to preface this network I would like to say that this network has been created by me, D3monw3st, and my partner, xeRicker. xeRicker is a very talented developer and has made quite a bit from selling his spigot plugins, as shown by his profile.Together we've created a huge network with three main games each capturing a different aspect of minecraft to encompass the variety of players.
Each unique custom coded part of the server:
Discord Bot (welcomes players, notifies when a player leaves, contains a help index, can ping the server and report back the players online) If you want I can include a bot that has a betting system (can be very useful for hosting competitions, you can view past indexes and see who has placed a bet and on what match and the winner/outcome)
Aldorin Network Core (handles ranks, cosmetics, traveling compass, permissions, and so forth) works with UHC Blitz and Hub.
Video of hub and core:
Gladiator Brawl. This gamemode has taken the most amount of time and has the most amount of lines coded. Also can be one of the more complex games. This gamemode is centered around competitive ability induced pvp with teams. When joining the queue you'll be given an offensive skill slot, utility skill slot, support skill slot, and ultimate skill slot. In addition to your loadout you can upgrade your personal stats via the combat upgrades and the mastery builder to tweak your load out to your style. When playing a match each player can vote for a match modifier, Ultra Rapid Mode or Double Damage to change the objective of the match. Also, our elo system provides a neat benefit where armor is purely cosmetic in the game (as it's an ability induced game), we have four tiers so that players have an incentive to want to rank up. Leaderboard members automatically get enchanted armor to stick out. We have over 53+ skills coded, and each one is unique in their ability and some even come from overwatch and league of legends. This gamemode also contains boosters for players to donate and tipping.
Video of the gamemode:
UHC Blitz. This gamemode is up there with Gladiator Brawl in its complexity, this gamemode captures the people who like to play more minigames and likes to grind a bit. Based upon Blitz Survival Games, this gamemode contains the blitz star, but not with your regular abilities, we've completley recoded each ability and have added a unique effect to each one. On top of that we've coded in a UHC system and a bit of a custom crafting menu, rating and ranked games included. In our shop you can buy regular kits or you can save up and buy ultimate kits. We also have cosmetics, victory dances, kill effects, and so forth, so players want to buy coin packs.
Video of gamemode:
Minelypse. This gamemode was one of the first ones created and is very complex in that it has custom coded mobs. Based off of H1Z1/DayZ this server has a custom 3D texturepack (not released, we coded a plugin to detect your version of minecraft and send the correct version of the pack so no one has the texturepack except us and the creators). Your EXP bar is your noise level and each 5 levels (max 20) a new tier of mobs spawn, we have Striker Zombies, Archer Skeletons, Experimental Zombies, Regular Zombies, and so forth each has their own unique style of attacking and each drops their own unique loot so players can craft their own weapons. We also have coded quests, these quests will give the player items to help make armor, donator guns, guns, and many more. When you complete a quest you will be given a quest shard where you can spend them in a shop to buy bundles of items. We have also custom coded pets, these pets will have their own unique ability/skill to either defend with you or attack with you. These pets will attack players and help you thrive in this FFA. Events will take place, and we've custom coded a boss plugin where you can bring your gang (like a faction, diff plugin) and fight the boss which'll drop very-rare loot. It also includes a donor feature called undead mode, where you become the undead and are immune to mobs therefore you now hunt players and are given 7 skills to fight with.
Video of gamemode:
Art Work: (hand drawn by Cr8tionz)
+ Minelypse 3D Texturepack (Made by Baum)
Server Banner(s):
Custom Portal page: https://aldorin.net
DarkKnight Themed Xenforo Forums ^
Custom Voting page (helps with player retention and makes voting way easier): http://vote.aldorin.net/
Both domains: aldorin.net and aldorin.com will be transferred.
Custom Builds done // Things included:
» Gladiator Brawl Arena Maps
» Minelypse Spawn
Things not included:
» Hub lobby map
» Database files
Have we released the network? We have released the network, and only got 54 players peak and 90 people in our discord, getting $424 of donations with minimal advertising (only posted on server websites due to lack of funds). We unfortunately underestimated the amount of money required to advertise and only have the ability to code. When we released each server alone to test bugs etc. we've amassed a total of ~ $800, again no advertising done.
In addition I have a lot of youtuber contacts, as my friend is a mod developer. Those contacts will be disclosed, etc.
Bid (starting): $150
Bid (increment): $25
B/O: Not yet determined, around $800 - 1,400
Auction terms are set to change at any time and the timeframe can be cancelled at any time.
Live version: play.aldorin.com
Each unique custom coded part of the server:
Discord Bot (welcomes players, notifies when a player leaves, contains a help index, can ping the server and report back the players online) If you want I can include a bot that has a betting system (can be very useful for hosting competitions, you can view past indexes and see who has placed a bet and on what match and the winner/outcome)
Aldorin Network Core (handles ranks, cosmetics, traveling compass, permissions, and so forth) works with UHC Blitz and Hub.
Video of hub and core:
Gladiator Brawl. This gamemode has taken the most amount of time and has the most amount of lines coded. Also can be one of the more complex games. This gamemode is centered around competitive ability induced pvp with teams. When joining the queue you'll be given an offensive skill slot, utility skill slot, support skill slot, and ultimate skill slot. In addition to your loadout you can upgrade your personal stats via the combat upgrades and the mastery builder to tweak your load out to your style. When playing a match each player can vote for a match modifier, Ultra Rapid Mode or Double Damage to change the objective of the match. Also, our elo system provides a neat benefit where armor is purely cosmetic in the game (as it's an ability induced game), we have four tiers so that players have an incentive to want to rank up. Leaderboard members automatically get enchanted armor to stick out. We have over 53+ skills coded, and each one is unique in their ability and some even come from overwatch and league of legends. This gamemode also contains boosters for players to donate and tipping.
Video of the gamemode:
UHC Blitz. This gamemode is up there with Gladiator Brawl in its complexity, this gamemode captures the people who like to play more minigames and likes to grind a bit. Based upon Blitz Survival Games, this gamemode contains the blitz star, but not with your regular abilities, we've completley recoded each ability and have added a unique effect to each one. On top of that we've coded in a UHC system and a bit of a custom crafting menu, rating and ranked games included. In our shop you can buy regular kits or you can save up and buy ultimate kits. We also have cosmetics, victory dances, kill effects, and so forth, so players want to buy coin packs.
Video of gamemode:
Minelypse. This gamemode was one of the first ones created and is very complex in that it has custom coded mobs. Based off of H1Z1/DayZ this server has a custom 3D texturepack (not released, we coded a plugin to detect your version of minecraft and send the correct version of the pack so no one has the texturepack except us and the creators). Your EXP bar is your noise level and each 5 levels (max 20) a new tier of mobs spawn, we have Striker Zombies, Archer Skeletons, Experimental Zombies, Regular Zombies, and so forth each has their own unique style of attacking and each drops their own unique loot so players can craft their own weapons. We also have coded quests, these quests will give the player items to help make armor, donator guns, guns, and many more. When you complete a quest you will be given a quest shard where you can spend them in a shop to buy bundles of items. We have also custom coded pets, these pets will have their own unique ability/skill to either defend with you or attack with you. These pets will attack players and help you thrive in this FFA. Events will take place, and we've custom coded a boss plugin where you can bring your gang (like a faction, diff plugin) and fight the boss which'll drop very-rare loot. It also includes a donor feature called undead mode, where you become the undead and are immune to mobs therefore you now hunt players and are given 7 skills to fight with.
Video of gamemode:
Art Work: (hand drawn by Cr8tionz)
+ Minelypse 3D Texturepack (Made by Baum)
Server Banner(s):
Custom Portal page: https://aldorin.net
DarkKnight Themed Xenforo Forums ^
Custom Voting page (helps with player retention and makes voting way easier): http://vote.aldorin.net/
Both domains: aldorin.net and aldorin.com will be transferred.
Custom Builds done // Things included:
» Gladiator Brawl Arena Maps
» Minelypse Spawn
Things not included:
» Hub lobby map
» Database files
Have we released the network? We have released the network, and only got 54 players peak and 90 people in our discord, getting $424 of donations with minimal advertising (only posted on server websites due to lack of funds). We unfortunately underestimated the amount of money required to advertise and only have the ability to code. When we released each server alone to test bugs etc. we've amassed a total of ~ $800, again no advertising done.
In addition I have a lot of youtuber contacts, as my friend is a mod developer. Those contacts will be disclosed, etc.
Bid (starting): $150
Bid (increment): $25
B/O: Not yet determined, around $800 - 1,400
Auction terms are set to change at any time and the timeframe can be cancelled at any time.
Live version: play.aldorin.com
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