Builder Recruitment
Here at Minedroid Network, we are seeking out for dedicated builders to build for the network. Minedroid Network is a network where we strive to bring nothing but the best out to the community. We are looking for active; dedicated; high quality and builders that have good work-ethics to join the Build Team for the network. As a member of the build team, you will be required to work alone on a build; or as a team.
Minedroid Network is a solidly custom network that is mostly aimed around pvp. We currently have Skywars and Survival servers, which we look to expand in the future to unique, custom gamemodes that you have never heard of before on other known networks.
Before you inquire payment, you will be paid for the size of the builds that are made for the network. When you are working alongside another person for a build, the pay will get split equally in between the builders working on the project. Payment is discussed privately with the builder(s) before each build has started.
Minedroid Network is a solidly custom network that is mostly aimed around pvp. We currently have Skywars and Survival servers, which we look to expand in the future to unique, custom gamemodes that you have never heard of before on other known networks.
Before you inquire payment, you will be paid for the size of the builds that are made for the network. When you are working alongside another person for a build, the pay will get split equally in between the builders working on the project. Payment is discussed privately with the builder(s) before each build has started.
If you are interested in this position, please message me with your portfolio and I will happily talk to you further about a position on the network. Please note I am not looking for a service team!
Kindest Regards,
Minedroid Management Team
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