[CLOSED] Head Admin.


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First of all thank you for showing your interest in my post. I'm looking for a Head Admin to help me develop and create my own MC Bungee Network. I have started up a few things already & have a good foot in the development of the network.

Here's what I already have setup:
  • Art/Media including logo, Server Icon, Text banner, & variations.
  • Domain & Website: https://portalmc.net.
  • Staff & Development Tracking/Management
  • Discord Guild & Bot
  • Dedicated Server hosted by Hetzner with AMD Ryzen 5-3600, 64GB DDR4 RAM & 4TB Storage
  • Waterfall Proxy
  • Paper Lobby Server
  • Paper Survival Server
If I think you're a good fit, we'll jump into a discord call and I will show you everything privately, and how I have everything running.

What kind of person am I looking for? / What are the requirements?
  • Someone with previous experience running successful Minecraft Servers
  • Creativity & have fresh ideas.
  • Professionalism & maturity. I'm looking for someone at least 20+
  • Trust worthy & reliable.
  • Friendly, and someone I get along well with.
  • Keen to help.
  • Willing to compromise on ideas and suggestions.
So why the role 'Head Admin' and not 'Co-Owner' ? Well. I'd like to keep things simple. I'd like things my way, but i'm looking for someone to help achieve what I would like. It's also simpler to keep everything in my name.

You'll be helping me as a 'Co-Owner' would.. but at the end of the day I will have the last say. That's not to say I want everything my way... Again.. I want your ideas. I'm a little out of touch with minecraft, and all the new game modes that are around. The last time i played properly was when there was simple game modes like prison, survival skyblock & factions. Now there's allsorts and I don't know how to set them up or run them! That's where you come in with your more "up to date" experience.

So, then a little about me...

I'm undiagnosed autistic. Will be stupid sometimes. I'm socially shy and vocally quiet.. So you might have to ask me to repeat myself sometimes, or I might stutter if I'm tired from work. I like to be organized, keeping good documentation, notes & even down to tracking all the tasks done through the resources I've setup. I like things done in my preference, but I'm open to ideas. I'm a furry, so it'll help if you are too! In terms of outside this project, I'm an LGV driver, 21 years of age and that's about all I can think of to tell you.

Think you can handle that? Please message me on discord with your interest, and I'll show you the ropes. Hopefully we get along well and together can create something awesome.

Please note: If i get comfortable with you, your job role will be changed to Co Owner in future. However it'll make no difference to your responsibilities.
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