Hello I am the owner of combopvp
This server currently only consists of Practice we do not want to push to hard with very few players and staff that can help so right now its a chill practice server me and my freinds play on but we want it to be big
You may apply for the staff position on
These are the only ones you can apply for
Msg me on discord to apply NotRobert#2354
-You need to be over the age of 14
- You need to have past experience for Admin rank (Not needed for Helped rank but will give you a higher chance)
- You need to be active and spend at least 1 hour on schooldays and 2 hours on weekends (NOT EVERYDAY THOUGH SCHOOL IS MORE IMPORTANT)
-For the developer rank you need to show proof of creating a well created and structured plugin with few bugs lying about your plugin will obviously not get you in you have to have made 2 plugins before
I will give you more requirements on discord
If you believe you pass these requirements then apply here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfbVRVDchsOZZNvTQ4GWOLa3S5raj_LO_uvUFU_N_gN19Ta-A/viewform
After that tell me by either PMing me here or discord NotRobert#2354
If you don't fit these requirements but still want to be staff message me on discord or here and we can arrange something until then join this discord to keep up to date on the server