Community Manager

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Hello there! My name is Junnk, and I'd like to offer my services as a paid Community/Server Manager or administrator for a large Minecraft network. I can work on any sort of server type, although my most notable management positions are on factions, skyblock, prison and various custom servers.

While I've worked for a number of smaller servers doing smaller things, I’ve also owned servers in the past. The management position that I currently hold is on ArcadianMC and there I oversee staff management, purchase support, content and quality of life updates, skyblock, two custom versions of skyblock, prison, kitpvp, creative, factions and community management to go along with those. I've also written an extensive staff handbook that can be adjusted to each servers needs. I also rewrite things such as rules, guidelines and a lot of the gameplay at ArcadianMC.



Jay, male and father of two
GMT+0, England
Currently employed
Currently seeking a server management position or paid administration
Specialties Management, workflow improvement, automation, product lifecycle support, digital/data security and loss prevention, quality of life upkeep.

Firstly, I have extensive Buycraft experience, I have done purchase, support for ArcadianMC for 7 months and another year of purchase support at PrimeMC and at that time, I single-handedly had to deal with all of the rank transfers between servers when we merged with OPBlocks. I know when I see fake screenshots and I’ve dealt with just about every problem you can run into, I can also do just about every aspect of Buycraft as well as all packages and content.

Secondly, I know nearly all commands for a majority of the game mode plugins for Minecraft, I am also an expert on all commands for Skyblock, Factions, and Prison servers. I’ve had work experience on towny servers, mini-game servers, I know just about all permission plugin commands such a zpermissions, permissionsx and various custom made plugin permission plugins.

Thirdly, I have a lot of experience with server merges, although I’m not the guy who physically does these merges, I’ve always been the go-to person when managing a server merge. No matter its size or player count. I’ve dealt with both the setup of the servers for the merges and the documentation to ensure it goes as smoothly as possible.
Firstly, I am very experienced with economic stability, I have had experience with both good and bad economies and been able to utilize the pros and cons of them to make them more beneficial for the player's gaming experience. This includes working out different prices or adding/removing things from in-game to try and rebalance economies, and save from having to go through the hassle of resetting it. Which is a problem most servers encounter at least once.

Secondly, I can do a lot of Xenforo management, such as editing permission nodes and utilizing Xenforo to it’s fullest front end potential. For example, I have a huge 4k+ post count on PrimeMC and another 400+ on ArcadianMC.

Thirdly, I have experience with setting up slack, trello and mentoring programs and then organizing them to get the optimal performance and convenience out of it.
I have a huge amount of bug testing experience, I am able to find and identify duplication bugs rather quickly and efficiently. Upon setting up new servers, I have gone through hard and long testing of every donation rank, staff rank and groups for any errors in permissions. I have also tested all features and plugins to check if they work correctly, and make sure that no game breaking glitches or bugs will be sent out on release. This is something I take very seriously, as I feel that releasing a poorly created setup is not acceptable, regardless of the server size.

I also have a wide range of experience with testing out some unusual features such as Custom Enchantments. Throughout my time on PrimeMC and ArcadianMC, I have tested out various bundles of custom enhancements, ranging from combat to resource gathering and farming. By testing these, I mean that I am able to level them out so that they are all equal in power. No enchant is too overpowered, and no enchant is too underpowered.
I also understand how the EULA works and can help with ideas towards becoming EULA complaint if you wish to go down that road eventually. I’ve created many documents with the other PrimeMc & ArcadianMC staff and have come up with great ideas in the past about EULA compliant servers and features. I have overlooked these documents and helped bring up some great ideas, I would give some examples of these ideas but, I do not feel comfortable sharing this information.

I’m not a Developer or a System Administrator, but I'm very good with managing a staff team, community and updates as well as the configurations of plugins, I do things like getting the staff spread out across the servers, promotions, demotions monitoring all staff activity without a plugin. I'm always able to be contacted if anything comes up that needs immediate attention, that mean’s I offer 24/7 services. I bring with me a lot of ideas and stuff to expand servers and open them up to other ideas.

I'm able to dedicate 12 or more hours to the server daily but, I offer 24-hour support for our staff team so I’m always on call in case any game breaking issues arise. I love working for Minecraft servers as I love working with people from all around the world. I’m a very hard working, self-dependant individual as well as a people person, I strive myself on being the connection between the players and the server they’re actively playing on and supporting. I always put others before myself. I'm willing to give 110% effort in order to achieve these goals that we have.
It's my job to manage the server's community, staff team, purchase support, updates, configuration, Buycraft setup and many more things. I work very well both in-game and on forums, I don't believe it to be okay for me to suddenly vanish out of the game because I can "let the other staff handle it". I have a lot of pride in managing the communities and staff teams that I have, and I feel that to properly manage them, I have to be online to learn the community and the staff I work alongside so I can see just who I'm supposed to be helping and what foundations I need to lay to get to where we need to be.

In the past I had to answer support emails/forum tickets, designed the layout of our current forums, hire/demote/manage staff, manage chat and answer questions, handle reports/appeals, create new concepts for the server, general creative development, manage player suggestions and forward bug reports, develop useful guides for players and stuff, and more.



PrimeMC // // My PrimeMC profile

Worked: Nov. 11th, 2015 to January 25th, 2017.

Paid: $1000+/month (Will only disclose this to serious offers)

Hired: I started off as a member and then applied for helper and worked my way up from there. Eventually, I was in the administrator position again and so I decided to work extremely hard towards getting the community management position. As an administrator and community manager of PrimeMC, my responsibilities are to oversee our staff team and both promote and demote people accordingly, I also did all of the hirings for the staff team and watch and learn about thing’s our community may want for upcoming updates and then recently I was promoted again to full management of PrimeMc. I also monitor our dubtrack, helperbanlist, and forums, usually, I work between 14-18 hours a day and I’m happy with that because this is my passion.

Past work on PrimeMC
The Rules
The staff handbook (contact me for link, uncomfortable handing this out)
The PrimeMC Dubtrack
An update post (I have written many others)
My profile

I was a very dedicated manager to PrimeMC, I spent hours a day working on creative development/concepts, researching possible additions to the server, and working with the staff team. When I applied for helper on PrimeMC, I never thought I would be the server’s community manager one day. After a lot of pushing and grinding, I eventually got to administrator which gave me the chance to train other community managers to do the job and over time, I managed to get the community manager position after I dedicated a lot of time and hard work to the server.



ArcadianMC // // My ArcadianMC profile

Worked: Feb. 1st, 2017 to July 15th, 2017.

Paid: Confidential due to agreements.

Hired: When I was hired at Arcadian in February, I was hired to work alongside Arcadians other community manager so we could give our community the best experience’s we could. At this time we were able to produce weekly updates with various custom content ideas that we came up with as well as have a very good connection with the community and staff members. Within the time I’ve worked for Arcadian my responsibilities have been to oversee our staff team and both promote and demote people accordingly, work along others to ensure we have a very healthy work environment, help or setup staff application voting so we could get the best staff on our team as possible. Community outreach to talk and listen to the community so we could learn and hear about what weekly updates or large content updates they want to see on the server or if it came to it, what they would like to see in a server reset. Additionally, in the time I’ve been at ArcadianMC I’ve designed some very large custom content ideas that the community loved as well as these content ideas, I’ve been a part of and helped design and set up three server resets and two server releases.

Current work on ArcadianMC
The Rules
The staff handbook (contact me for link, uncomfortable handing this out)
Information & Requirements for applications
Application example
An update and introduction post (I have written many others)
My profile

I'm an extremely dedicated community manager at ArcadianMC and am always willing to take on side projects. I spend hours a day working on creative development/concepts, researching possible additions to the server, and working with my staff team. Planning updates and or server resets, I meet very strict deadlines, I work extremely well under pressure and I’m very mature and well-spoken. I also like to get to know every staff member individually, sometimes I even help with non-Minecraft related issues as I’m on a personal basis with many of the people I work alongside.



Thank you very much for your interest! If you wish to contact me with further questions or a potential job offer, please feel free to email me at [email protected] or you can PM me on here or comment below or add me on Skype or Discord Jay.Junnk, Junnk#2518 and have a very nice day!
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вυѕιɴeѕѕ мoɴĸey // yoυтυвer
Feedback score
Massive Vouch! Honestly, the best manager i've know out there. I've worked as staff with Junnk on PrimeMC, and can i just say that he was amazing! He knew exactly what to do and worked extremely hard with whatever got thrown at him. Can i just say that if you want a manager, i suggest this one ;).


Feedback score
HUGE vouch for Jay. He helped me a ton whilst I was at Arcadian and made my experience a whole lot better. Definitely knows what he's doing.


Feedback score
Thank you all for the unbelievable support over the past few months. I've updated my work application so it's got more up to date information on it as I'm still interested in new opportunities if they present themselves.


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Oh yes, this guy knows what he's doing. Experienced, worked for multiple networks. He's a person you WANT to hire.

Feedback score
Alot of your vouches are from people with 0 Rep & One Message which is here...

This gets me a bit suspicious.
Good luck.


Feedback score
Alot of your vouches are from people with 0 Rep & One Message which is here...

This gets me a bit suspicious.
Good luck.
Yeah, a lot of these people will be people who have signed up to vouch for Jay, as they've worked with him in the past.


Feedback score
Vouch, I used to play on PrimeMC when Jay was a community manager. He worked hard and well in my eyes, I would definitely recommend him. I don't know him as a person, but he did one darn good job managing PrimeMC.


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Hey, I'd like to give a little more information on what's going on and what I'm seeking at the moment as I've had a number of people reach out to me recently with potential propositions and I'd like to narrow things down a little bit.

Firstly, I'm currently actively seeking employment on an already established server that has a medium to large size player base. I am indeed, still under the employment of ArcadianMC. This is strictly a business decision and nothing else.

Secondly, I'm currently looking for full-time employment doing management work or community management work. I'm not looking to do any enterprise management or to work on "up coming servers".

That being said, I'd like to thank you for your support and patience if you took the time to read my work application and some of the comments.

My Skype is; Jay.Junnk
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Feedback score
I can vouch for Jay. I was staff on his old management position at Prime Mc.

He was able to interact with the community and build a bond that others before and after him have failed / failing to do. He takes time to actually listen to you and is quick to remedy issues should they arise.
He can dedicate tons of time to whichever server he works with and can handle pretty much any task thrown at him whilst also being open to new challenges.

If you're looking for a fair and stable person to employ then i would go for him.

Goodluck Jay in your search for a home


Feedback score
Massive Massive Vouch for Jay! He is honestly the best manager I've ever known. I currently work along side him on ArcadianMC, and let me just tell you, you will never see someone work harder on so many different projects! He always knows exactly what to do and works extremely extremely hard with whatever needs to be done; almost all the time this man goes above and beyond all the necessary jobs. If you're looking for a manager, you aren't gonna find a better one ;)
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Feedback score
As a serving staff member for PrimeMC both when Junnk was and now is not a staff I do know how hard he works!

Junnk is a very kind and generous person in which is willing to accomplish things that many others may not have the courage to. As working a long side Junnk I do know how professional his threads are and how much them alone can improve your sever just because if the time he pursues in them.

Junnk always is taking his job seriously and I know is always willing to do the little thing in which have massive turn outs. Again the effort put in really does show and if he was your community manager I know you will not regret it.

Along with this I would like to mention how he did always almost instantly reply to me I had a important question. He was always there for both the players an staff members in times of need. He was very kind to me personally starting off my large spread minecraft server staffing job.

For these reasons I wish Junnk best of luck for what the future holds and will give a HUGE Vouch!

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Feedback score
I have updated my information section with my exact information as it appears someone is impersonating me again to get work.
Email; [email protected]
Skype; Jay.Junnk
Discord; Junnk#2518
You will not be contacted by me from any other names or contacts, anyone who does so is impersonating and should be blocked & deleted. If any of this information changes, I will be updating it here before I give it out publically.
On that note, I despise Discord and I do not reach out to people on there for work.
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