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I am looking for a custom GUI with the
Deluxe Menus plugin to display placeholder information and run commands for the plugin Libs Disguises Premium. This would be a Paid configuration task, I would be able to work out a price with you in Discord, feel free to add me at AidenJules#2926. All information regarding this request is posted below, upon messaging me through Discord, please specify what you are applying to make as I will be making other configuration requests in the near future.


  • The GUI should be titled "Disguises Menu | Choose a Disguise!" (in any color that looks good)
  • The GUI size is 54, the perimeter slots are Gray Stained Glass
  • 28 Disguises fit per page
  • Arrows for the next and last page at the bottom perimeter row labeled "Next Page ->" and "<- Previous Page", "Remove Disguise" barrier button
  • Each Disguises name should match the closest in-game item to the title. For example, a dragon disguise would be a dragon egg
  • When hovering a Disguise, the name is the title, listed precisely how the names are for the plugin itself (with spaces instead of underscores)
  • The first lore line of each item while hovering says "Access:" "True" or "False" depending on whether or not the player has access to the disguise with luck perms permissions.
  • The action should be left-click to equip (run the disguise command as the player) or right-click to undisguise (standard undisguise command.)
  • After the first lore line, add a blank line and then two lines that read "[Left-Click to Equip Disguise]" and "[Right-Click to Undisguise]"
There is a table below displaying an example page with a legend.
Gray Stained Glass PaneGray Stained Glass PaneGray Stained Glass PaneGray Stained Glass PaneGray Stained Glass PaneGray Stained Glass PaneGray Stained Glass PaneGray Stained Glass PaneGray Stained Glass Pane
Gray Stained Glass PaneDisguise 1Disguise 2Disguise 3Disguise 4Disguise 5Disguise 6Disguise 7Gray Stained Glass Pane
Gray Stained Glass PaneDisguise 8Disguise 9Disguise 10Disguise 11Disguise 12Disguise 13Disguise 14Gray Stained Glass Pane
Gray Stained Glass PaneDisguise 15Disguise 16Disguise 17Disguise 18Disguise 19Disguise 20Disguise 21Gray Stained Glass Pane
Gray Stained Glass PaneDisguise 22Disguise 23Disguise 24Disguise 25Disguise 26Disguise 27Disguise 28Gray Stained Glass Pane
Gray Stained Glass PaneGray Stained Glass Pane<- Previous PageGray Stained Glass PaneRemove DisguiseGray Stained Glass PaneNext Page ->Gray Stained Glass PaneGray Stained Glass Pane

Disguise 1
Access: True

[Left-Click to Equip Disguise]
[Right-Click to Undisguise]

- Example Luck Perms Node: libsdisguises.disguise.creeper - I want the access true or false thing to pull from these checks, I just want the checks to be for default disguise names, not specifics like baby or armor or charged creeper, etc.
  • Previous page, Next page, Individual Disguise names, and GUI title names can vary in color but the other things are to stay put like true, false, remove disguise, equip, undisguise, and access
  • The first page should not have a previous page button and the final page should not have a next button

Below are all disguises, there are roughly 126 disguises, so the Deluxe Menu GUI should be 5 pages

Once again, please DM me with any questions and this should be all of the information.
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