Custom Enchantments
that's what happens when you type /enchanter
you get a gui with 3 glass panes
15lvls 30 lvls and 45lvls - each named
then u click on it
and it randomly generates based on chance each enchant has it generates a book with that enchant. The Type of enchants i have will be labeled 1-3 for the lvls and have a max level/affect of 1-3
♦ Armor ♦
♦ Health I (1 Extra Heart) 1 (tier) 3/10 (chance of getting it)
♦ Breath (Unlimited Water Breathing) 1 5/10
♦ Food (Unlimited Saturation) 1 5/10
♦ Light (Unlimited Night Vision) 2 7/10
♦ Sight (Immune to Blindness) 2 6/10
♦ Health II (2 Extra Hearts) 2 same as I
♦Jump I (1.5 Block Jump Boost) 1 6/10
♦ Run I (Speed 20% Extra) 1 4/10
♦ Blaze (Unlimited Fire Res) 2 1/10
♦ Tesla (Lighting Strike On Other Player) 2 1/10
♦ Self-Destruct (2 Creeper Spawn When You Die, Or 1 SuperCharged) 2 4/10
♦ Toughness 1-3 (Armor Takes 10% less damage) 1-3 1/10
♦ Heal (Gives Heart Regen Faster) 2-3 1/10
♦ Tools ♦
♦ Smelt I (Gives 1 extra ingot) 1 6/10
♦ Blast (Mine 2 blocks per 1 mined) 1 4/10
♦ Fast Mine I (Double Mining Speed) 2 5/10
♦ Obsidian Destroyer (Half The Time To Break Obsidian) 2 1/10
♦ Smelt II (Gives 2 extra ingots) 1 same as #1
♦ Fast Mine II (Triples Mining Speed)1 same as Fast 1
♦ Obsidian Destroyer II (Instantly Break Obsidian) 2 .5/10
♦ Haste IV (4x Mining Speed) 3 .5/10
♦ Sword ♦
♦ Thunder I (Lighting Strike, Mild Damage. 5%) 1 2/10
♦ Nausea I (Gives Player Nausea for 3 seconds. 5% chance) 1 4/10
♦ Block (Blocking your sword will increase resistance 5%) 1 2/10
♦ Steal (Gives half a heart every time activated - 10% chance) 1 1/10
♦ Blind (Blinds attacker for 3 seconds - 5% chance) 1 6/10
♦ Thunder II (Lightning Strike, Better Than level I - 10% chance) 2 same
♦ Nausea II (Gives 1 heart every time activated - 10% chance) 2 same
♦ Blind II (Blinds attacker for 6 seconds - 10% chance) 2 same
♦ Double Strike (Hits an enemy twice in 1 shot (10% chance) 2 1/10
♦ Absorb (Takes incoming damage and heals you - 10% chance) 3 .5/10
♦ Strength (A change to give Strength III for 5 seconds (3 or 5%) 3 2/10
♦ Double Strike II (Hits an enemy twice in 1 shot - 15% chance) 3 same
♦ Last Stand (Hits an enemy twice at once. 10% chance to activate) 3 1/10
♦ Plunder (Looting IV) 3 .5/10
Experience 1-3 ( Gives 5% More Xp )3 1.5/10
As soon as possible
Custom Enchantments
that's what happens when you type /enchanter
you get a gui with 3 glass panes
15lvls 30 lvls and 45lvls - each named
then u click on it
and it randomly generates based on chance each enchant has it generates a book with that enchant. The Type of enchants i have will be labeled 1-3 for the lvls and have a max level/affect of 1-3
♦ Armor ♦
♦ Health I (1 Extra Heart) 1 (tier) 3/10 (chance of getting it)
♦ Breath (Unlimited Water Breathing) 1 5/10
♦ Food (Unlimited Saturation) 1 5/10
♦ Light (Unlimited Night Vision) 2 7/10
♦ Sight (Immune to Blindness) 2 6/10
♦ Health II (2 Extra Hearts) 2 same as I
♦Jump I (1.5 Block Jump Boost) 1 6/10
♦ Run I (Speed 20% Extra) 1 4/10
♦ Blaze (Unlimited Fire Res) 2 1/10
♦ Tesla (Lighting Strike On Other Player) 2 1/10
♦ Self-Destruct (2 Creeper Spawn When You Die, Or 1 SuperCharged) 2 4/10
♦ Toughness 1-3 (Armor Takes 10% less damage) 1-3 1/10
♦ Heal (Gives Heart Regen Faster) 2-3 1/10
♦ Tools ♦
♦ Smelt I (Gives 1 extra ingot) 1 6/10
♦ Blast (Mine 2 blocks per 1 mined) 1 4/10
♦ Fast Mine I (Double Mining Speed) 2 5/10
♦ Obsidian Destroyer (Half The Time To Break Obsidian) 2 1/10
♦ Smelt II (Gives 2 extra ingots) 1 same as #1
♦ Fast Mine II (Triples Mining Speed)1 same as Fast 1
♦ Obsidian Destroyer II (Instantly Break Obsidian) 2 .5/10
♦ Haste IV (4x Mining Speed) 3 .5/10
♦ Sword ♦
♦ Thunder I (Lighting Strike, Mild Damage. 5%) 1 2/10
♦ Nausea I (Gives Player Nausea for 3 seconds. 5% chance) 1 4/10
♦ Block (Blocking your sword will increase resistance 5%) 1 2/10
♦ Steal (Gives half a heart every time activated - 10% chance) 1 1/10
♦ Blind (Blinds attacker for 3 seconds - 5% chance) 1 6/10
♦ Thunder II (Lightning Strike, Better Than level I - 10% chance) 2 same
♦ Nausea II (Gives 1 heart every time activated - 10% chance) 2 same
♦ Blind II (Blinds attacker for 6 seconds - 10% chance) 2 same
♦ Double Strike (Hits an enemy twice in 1 shot (10% chance) 2 1/10
♦ Absorb (Takes incoming damage and heals you - 10% chance) 3 .5/10
♦ Strength (A change to give Strength III for 5 seconds (3 or 5%) 3 2/10
♦ Double Strike II (Hits an enemy twice in 1 shot - 15% chance) 3 same
♦ Last Stand (Hits an enemy twice at once. 10% chance to activate) 3 1/10
♦ Plunder (Looting IV) 3 .5/10
Experience 1-3 ( Gives 5% More Xp )3 1.5/10
As soon as possible